Elite Rewards Official Rules

Craig Realty Group (“Company”) represents various Outlet Centers, including without limitation, Outlets at Anthem, Outlets at Barstow, Cabazon Outlets, Outlets at Castle Rock, Citadel Outlets, Outlets at Conroe, Outlets at The Dells, Outlets at Hillsboro, Outlets at Loveland, Outlets at SanClemente, Outlets at Silverthorne, Outlets at Traverse Mountain, and Tulare Outlets (collectively, “Outlet Centers”). Company has created an Elite Rewards program for the Outlet Centers where participants may redeem store receipts for reward points.

As an Elite Rewards participant you may redeem your Outlet Center store receipts for points and you may trade points for reward items. Point requirements and rewards available vary. By participating in the Elite Rewards program and/or by creation of a Membership for the program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accept the Official Rules and Regulations of the Elite Rewards program. Membership in the program constitutes your agreement to receive email notifications from Company. These Official Rules and Regulations are subject to change without notice. The most current version of Rules and Regulations are available at Customer Service of each of the participating Outlet Centers. Void where prohibited.

  • A valid email address is mandatory for participation. Your email address represents your unique member ID for account access.
  • Must be 18 years of age to participate.
  • No purchase is necessary to join the Elite Rewards program.
  • Qualified receipts must be redeemed for points within 7 days of the date of the receipt.
  • Qualified receipts can only be redeemed once.
  • Receipts must be redeemed in person at customer service.
  • Valid identification must be presented to redeem points for prizes.
  • Qualifying receipts are those from currently open stores at the participating Outlet Center.
  • Ten points are awarded for each dollar spent on the qualifying receipt.
  • From time to time, there may be special earning periods where qualifying receipts may earn more than 10 points for every dollar. Members may or may not be notified of these instances.
  • Members may only redeem points for one (1) reward item, per level, per month, per household.
  • The Elite Rewards structure is subject to modification, cancellation, or limitation at the Company’s discretion, with or without notice. The number of Points required to redeem any Reward may be modified, any Reward may be withdrawn, and restrictions on any Reward or reward redemption may be imposed at any time.
  • Points on account have no monetary value and are not redeemable for cash.
  • Points are not transferable and cannot be combined with other participant accounts.
  • The Company has the right to terminate the Elite Rewards program at any time, without notice.
  • If a participant is not active for 24 consecutive months, that participant will forfeit all membership privileges. Once privileges have been forfeited, they cannot be reinstated; however, the participant can earn new privileges.
  • Any tax liability, including disclosure, connected to the Elite Rewards is the sole responsibility of the participant.
  • The Company reserves the right to reject any request for Membership, to revoke, cancel or suspend any Elite Rewards program Membership, or take other action at its discretion, at any time with immediate effect and without written notice or liability to any Member, if Company believes:

    • a) the Member has
      1. violated any of the Program Rules,
      2. acted in a manner inconsistent with applicable law, regulations or ordinances,
      3. engaged in any misconduct or wrong doing in connection with the Elite Reward program, including, but not limited to, store receipt collection, redeeming counterfeit store receipts, or
      4. engaged in abusive, fraudulent, inappropriate or hostile conduct in connection with the Elite Rewards program and participating partners.

  • A member may only have one active account. Holding multiple accounts, under different names and unique email addresses is a violation of the Elite Rewards program and such discovery will result in immediate termination of membership and forfeiture of all account points.
  • The Company has the sole discretion to interpret and apply the Program Rules & Regulations, and all questions or disputes regarding these Program Rules & Regulations will be fully resolved by the Company at its sole discretion.
  • Tampering with any website or equipment is strictly prohibited and will void any reward points and memberships.
  • The Company may deduct points from the participating member account for store products returned to the store for a refund within 30 days of purchase.
  • Company and store gift card purchase receipts are not eligible to earn points.
  • Company and Craig Realty Group employees and immediate family are not eligible to participate.
  • Company store employees are not eligible to participate.